Vipassana: part 2
My first post on this here . Vipassana was interesting experience. There were a few questionable theory and practices, but no reason to throw away the good with the bad! Observing breath took time for me to pick up. I experienced a really blissful focused session after nearly two full days of practice. This is a handy technique to quieten mind i.e. if there is awareness of unnecessary turbulence. I would recommend everyone to learn this. Becoming better at noticing changes in breath and sensations can also be useful in hopefully detecting strong emotions given they should result in some physiological reactions, like quickening of breath or muscle tension. Catching these feelings early may allow easier intervention and an opportunity for pausing and changing deep set reactions and behavioral conditioning. Maybe same approach also works with changing habits. I have not been able to realize any of these benefits and lack of practice makes it unlikely I'll figure it out any...